Legionnaires of Roman Africa

Algeria Tour

Nestled in North Africa, Algeria is a land steeped in mystery and ancient lore. From the towering sand dunes of the Sahara Desert to the verdant valleys of the Atlas Mountains, its landscapes are as diverse as they are captivating. The echoes of a rich and tumultuous history linger in its cities and countryside, inviting the adventurous to explore the secrets and stories woven into the fabric of this fascinating country. Yet, beneath the surface, a powerful and enigmatic force pulsates, waiting to be discovered by those daring enough to unravel its mysteries.

Adventure through the sands to the furthest reaches of the Roman Empire, wander the deserted ancient cities of Timgad, Djemila and Tipaza without so much as another soul to disturb your exploration of these amazing places.

Travel deep into Algeria’s desert to the mirage like oasis of Timimoun and experience a magical sunset over the Sahara. Walk the streets of the remote settlement of Ghardaia and admire it’s unique M’zab architecture, as well as explore Algeria’s Numidian history at the Royal Mausoleum of the Kings in Medracen.

Characterful local hotels and guesthouses abound on this Algeria tour and we have handpicked accommodation that reflects the atmosphere and vibe of each destination to enable you to experience each place from the moment you wake up.

17 Days


$6995 AUD*

Departure date: 22 October 2024 & 28 August 2025

OR CONTACT US for more information

Trip code: LAAA *from


  • Visit the epic sites of Timgad, Djemila and the Roman Legionary base at Lambaesis
  • Venture to the desert oasis of Timimoun, visit its lively market and wander around the maze of Kasour
  • Take a walk through Ghardaia with its unique M’zab architecture
  • Experience all of the weird and wonderful sites that Algeria has to offer including the troglodyte village of Ghoufi and the pre-historic rock art of Zaccar, as well as Algeria’s Numidian history at Medracen
  • Stay in characterful, locally owned hotels and guest houses.

The Basics

Start: Algiers

Finish: Algiers

Trip style: Unique

Max group size: 15

What's this?

Reasons you’ll love this tour

  • You love exploring off-the-beaten path sites
  • You have a passion for history and archaeology
  • The thought of wandering through an ancient Roman city alone excites you
  • You’re happy visiting an emerging destination and looking for an adventure
  • Authenticity is important to you when travelling


Arrive in Algiers for your Algeria tour and meet your airport transfer who will be waiting for you. Meet your trip leader and travel companions for a welcome meeting at 17.00. After the meeting, head out into Algiers to a local restaurant to get to know everyone over dinner.

We begin our Algeria tour with a visit to the National Museum of Antiquities and Islamic Art. The museum is the oldest in Africa and will give us a good overview of Algeria’s most ancient past to the more modern history of the 20th century.

Experience more of Algeria’s local cuisine at lunch in one of the many locally owned restaurants in Algiers and in the afternoon explore the old Kasbah, as well as the church of Notre Dame d’Afrique.

After our day of sightseeing, we will head out into Algiers for a dinner at a local restaurant.

We venture outside of Algiers today on our Algeria tour and our first stop is the enigmatic ‘Tomb of the Christians’ also called the Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania. The dome like structure is said to be where the monarchs King Juba II and Cleopatra Selene (the daughter of Cleopatra of Egypt) of Numida are buried. The mausoleum looks remarkably similar to the one built for the emperor Augustus in Rome.

After exploring the ‘Tomb of the Christians’ we will head to Cherchell to investigate the archaeological museum which contains some of the best finds from Roman and Greek times on the African continent.

For lunch today we head to the harbour of Tipaza to dine on freshly caught seafood.

In the afternoon we will explore the ancient city of Tipasa which was originally a small Punic trading port before it was turned into a military colony by the Romans.

We head back to Algiers for some free time this evening.

We will say goodbye to Algiers this morning and head east to the town of Setif, the net stop on our Algeria tour, stopping along the way for lunch.

The city of Setif was founded under the Numidian kings around 100 BCE and today is known as the trade capital of Algeria.

Today we leave Setif and head for the ancient city of Djemila, which was founded in the first century CE by the Romans. This thriving centre of trade, culture, and administration was built on a plateau and surrounded by a fortified wall and features well-preserved ruins, including a triumphal arch, theatre, market, and several houses and public buildings.

After we have explored the ancient city, we will have a picnic lunch provided by a restaurant close to the site followed by a visit to the onsite museum which contains many artefacts found by archaeologists.

We will continue on our Algeria tour to the city of Constantine and after checking into our hotel, head out into the city for dinner.

Djemila ancient city - Algeria tour

This morning we will journey to Tiddis to visit the remains of a Roman-era city established in 2nd century CE. The site features a well-preserved theatre, which could seat up to 2,000 spectators, as well as other structures such as a bathhouse and a basilica. Visitors to the site can see the remnants of the city’s rich history, including beautiful mosaics and intricately carved stone columns. The archaeological site of Tiddis offers a unique opportunity to learn about the Roman Empire’s influence in North Africa and provides a fascinating glimpse into the daily life in ancient times.

After a picnic lunch provided by a nearby restaurant, we will return to Constantine. Constantine is a unique blend of historical, cultural, and natural beauty that provides a window into Algeria’s rich past and dynamic present. Visit the Grand Mosque, also known as the Djamaa El Kebir Mosque, which considered one of the largest and most impressive in Algeria, followed by a walk through the kasbah, an old fortress, which is located atop a sheer cliff face.

Today we leave Constantine behind us and head for Timgad, the jewel of Algeria’s Roman cities and arguably the most impressive sight on our Algeria tour. Along the way we will stop at Medracen, where we will investigate some more of Algeria’s unique Numidian history – the civilisation present prior to the Romans. At Medracen we will visit another of Algiers bee-hive like ancient tombs built to house its ancient Berber-Numidian kings.

After lunch we will continue on the Lambaesis, an ancient city established as a Roman military camp and one of the most important military bases in Roman Africa. Wander the deserted streets of the ancient city, explore the theatre and bath houses before a visit to the onsite museum.

Tonight, in Timgad, dinner will be served at our hotel.

After breakfasting this morning, we will visit the epic archaeological site of Timgad located only sixty metres from our hotel and arguably the most famous of Algeria’s sights. Timgad was founded in the year 100 CE by the Roman Emperor Trajan and was one of the most important Roman cities in North Africa. It was strategically located along a major trade route and served as a military base to defend the empire against Berber tribes. The city was laid out in a grid pattern with spacious streets and public squares and was home to many impressive buildings and monuments. The Arch of Trajan, which was built in honour of the emperor, was one of the most notable structures in the city and is still well preserved today.

Timgad also had a rich and diverse population, consisting of Roman citizens, Berber people, and other ethnic groups from across the empire. Despite its military purpose, Timgad became a centre of commerce, learning, and the arts. The city was known for its mosaics, which depicted scenes from daily life, mythology, and nature. We will visit the nearby museum containing these mosaics after lunch.

Dinner this evening will be served at our hotel.

Leaving Timgad behind us today we head for the deserted, troglodyte village of Balcons de Ghoufi. The ruined settlement overlooks an oasis, with some homes carved out of the cliff face that are more than four hundred years old.

After we have explored the ruins of Ghoufi, we will head to the town of Biskra, located on the edge of the Sahara, where we will have lunch in a local restaurant.

This afternoon we will take a short detour to the town of Sidi Okba, which is home to the oldest mosque in Algeria, before heading to Bousaada where we will check in to our local guest house.

This evening head out into Bousaada for dinner.

We will start the day with a tour of the city of Bousaada. Bousaada is famous for its traditional crafts such as pottery, weaving and jewellery as well as its lively market. The city is well known for its stunning natural beauty, which includes the rolling hills and fertile plains that surround the area.

After we have explored Bousaada we will make our way to Zaouia where we will explore the town before heading to Zaccar to view its pre-historic rock-art.

We will have lunch in a local restaurant before arriving in the M’zab city of Ghardaia in the late afternoon.

Tonight, we will have dinner in one of Ghardaia’s unique, traditional restaurants.

Ghardaia is the largest of the five towns in the M’zab Valley and is known for its well-preserved traditional architecture. The architecture in Ghardaia is characterized by its compact, fortified form and its use of mud brick and plaster. M’zab architecture uses decorated gates and doorways, which serve as symbols of wealth and status. The intricate geometric patterns used in this decoration are based on traditional Berber motifs and are thought to ward off evil spirits. Prior to continuing on our Algeria tour this morning we will tour the city and see many examples of this amazing architectural style.

We will then depart Ghardaia and transfer to El Atteuf where we will have lunch in a traditional restaurant. After lunch we will take a walk through the town. Smaller than Ghardaia it is also home to M’zab architecture, it’s the oldest town in the M’zab Valley and is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

We will head back to Ghardaia in the afternoon.

Ghardaia - Algeria Tour

We will continue, today, to explore the sights in and around Ghardaia. We start off with a visit to Beni Isguen one of the five oases of the Ghardaia province, followed by a visit and short walking tour of Bounoura, one of the larger towns in the province.

After lunch we will continue onto Melika to view its unique architecture before heading back to Ghardaia.

This evening we will have our dinner in another of Ghardaia’s local restaurants.

We depart early this morning on our Algeria tour and journey through the sands of the Sahara to the desert oasis of Timimoun. Along the way we will stop at El Golea for lunch and to visit the Church of Saint Joseph and the Tomb of Father Charles de Foucauld. Foucauld was a French soldier, explorer, geographer, ethnographer and Catholic priest who lived in Algeria in the early 20th century. He was assassinated and became a martyr in 1916.

We continue on to Timimoun crossing the Tadmait Plateau and before we stop for tea and to stretch our legs at Amguiden.

On arrival in Timimoun we will check in to our oasis residence before heading out into the dunes of the Tala Kasar Oasis to sip mint tea and watch a spectacular desert sunset.

A traditional dinner will be served at a local restaurant in Timimoun later in the evening.

This morning we head out to explore the Oasis of Timimoun. Timimoun is a place of mystery and wonder, a land of red sand and towering dunes that whispers secrets to the wind. Its people are said to have a deep understanding of the cosmos and the rhythm of the earth, and it is whispered that the wells of Timimoun hold the power to heal any wound and grant eternal life. Some say that Timimoun is a place where time stands still, and that the sun sets on its golden dunes only to rise again in a never-ending cycle of life. It is a place of power and magic, where the spirits of the earth dance with the stars, and the secrets of the universe are waiting to be discovered.

We will explore the old ksar, explore the covered maze of Ksour and discover the irrigation system of the Foggaras.

After lunch, we will visit the city market, fort and visit the nearby oasis of Bouyahia.

Oasis of Timimoun - Algeria tour

After breakfast today we will head out into the Sahara on the ‘circuit of Sebkha’ to visit some of the other oases of this part of Algeria. We will explore the oases of Faoune, Oumrad and Tindjellet, as well as the cave of Ighzer. We will explore the town of Ouled Said prior to a picnic lunch in Aghlad.

After lunch we will explore the passage leading through Kali Ksar, a fortification built by the Berber tribes of the desert, before exploring 24 Ksour an abandoned ancient village scattered with the remains of palaces.

We will return to Timimoun in the late afternoon. Dinner will be served in local restaurant this evening.

After breakfast we say goodbye to the Sahara and head to the airport for our flight back to Algiers. Arrive in the mid-afternoon and enjoy some free time before heading out into the city for dinner to say goodbye to your trip leader and travel companions.

Your adventure on your Algeria tour comes to an end today with a transfer to the airport for your onward flight.

Still not convinced? Check out some more information about traveling in Algeria here.

Algeria Tour Map
Trip Map – Legionnaires of Roman Africa

Details – Algeria Tour

Duration: 17 Days

Trip style: Unique

Group size: Minimum 6 / Maximum 15

Trip code: LAAA

Cost: $6995.00 AUD twin share

Single supplement: $843.00 AUD


  • 16-nights accommodation in traditional family run hotels, guesthouses and desert residence
  • Meals as specified in itinerary (B = Breakfast / L = Lunch / D = Dinner)
  • Return airport transfers
  • Flight from Timimoun to Algiers in economy class (20kg luggage allowance)
  • Entrances to sites as listed in the itinerary
  • Services of your Inverted Atlas trip leader and local guides   

Trip price does not include

  • International airfares
  • Visa for Algeria (if required)
  • Meals not included as per trip itinerary including drinks and mini bar
  • Additional accommodation before or after the tour
  • Items of a personal nature including but not limited to laundry, souvenirs, porterage etc.
  • Travel insurance – please note comprehensive travel insurance is a condition of travel with Inverted Atlas

Journey Rating – Adventure

This trip travels through Algeria, a country that is not at all accustomed to tourism. People may be curious towards you at times, but are overall very welcoming. Algeria is an Islamic country and women should consider dressing appropriately so as not to cause offense culturally and to avoid attracting unwanted attention, however there is no compulsory dress code (mosques excepted). Toilets you encounter in public restrooms or in remote unscheduled stops along the way may be of the eastern ‘squat’ variety. There are some long travel days, but rest assured on arrival we will always be checking in to accommodation that is of a good standard. The weather in Algeria can change rapidly depending on the area we are traveling through; the desert can be very cold at night and very hot during the day – so be sure to check your packing list and pack accordingly. Facilities such as pharmacies, banks and ATM’s can be found in large cities and towns but will be absent from smaller villages and remote places.

Any dietary requirements should not be an issue while traveling on this Algeria tour, provided they are disclosed to Inverted Atlas at the time of booking.

A note about fitness

This Algeria tour requires a good level of physical fitness. You should be able to walk up to 4km at times and manage uneven surfaces during sightseeing, which will sometimes be at an incline. In addition, you should be able to climb up to 200 stairs unassisted and use an eastern style squat toilet (beware if you have knee issues).

You will need to be able to carry your own luggage to and from the coach and into the accommodation. (Due to OH&S regulations our trip leaders are not able to assist with luggage.)

In addition, you should be in good health, with no major chronic conditions requiring frequent medical attention. This trip often travels through remote locations where the availability of a hospital or even phone reception to call an ambulance is very limited. While all our trip leaders are required to have a valid first aid certificate, they are far from doctors and any assistance they are able to provide will be limited to basic first aid. For more information please see our booking conditions.

Single supplement

Traveling by yourself? No problem, we love single travelers and don’t believe in penalising them by charging half the trip price again for our single supplement. With us you are only paying the actual cost to have a room all to yourself. If you’re up for making a new friend, you can elect to share with another single traveler of the same sex and only pay the twin-share price. The choice is yours!

Trip leader description

Accompanying you on your Algeria tour will be your Inverted Atlas trip leader. Your trip leader is a logistics extraordinaire, keeps the trip running smoothly and ensures you have the best time possible on your trip. It is important to know that while your trip leader has the best job in the world, they aren’t actually on holidays, but rather they are there to make sure you have the best time while you are on your holiday! Your trip leader may at times need some time out so that they can complete back of house tasks that ensure everyone continues to enjoy the trip. It is also your trip leaders’ job to handle any issues (heaven forbid!) that come up while you’re on your trip like:

  • If you lose your passport or other travel documents
  • If there is a problem with your room at the booked accommodation – seriously please tell your trip leader don’t wait until you leave
  • If you become unwell and need to find a pharmacy
  • Assisting with restaurant recommendations or additional sightseeing during free time
  • Questions regarding the itinerary

Your trip leader on you Algeria tour will have some good local knowledge about the destination in which you are traveling, however they are not a ‘local guide’. You’re welcome to ask your trip leader anything about the trip and if they don’t know they will find out and get back to you. Other people you will meet along the way are ‘local guides’ who are generally available to the group in specific towns or at specific sites like national parks, temples or archaeological sites. These people are the local experts and will be able to answer any questions you may have about the history and culture of a specific site.

Itinerary disclaimer

The itinerary for this Algeria tour is correct at the time of upload to our website and we have composed it in good faith. From time to time we may elect to make changes before departure, if we are making a big change we will of course notify you, however if it is a small change this will be reflected in the final trip notes. So, make sure you download these prior to departure. Small changes prior to departure are usually made with the groups best interests in mind and come about due to liaising with our best resources – our past travelers and of course our trip leaders! The ability to change and evolve depending on what our travelers enjoy is what makes us such a great trip operator.

While we strive to operate our trips exactly to the letter of the itinerary, sometimes we may need to make changes on the ground while the group is on the road. This is all part of the adventure of traveling and we would ask that you come on your trip with an open mind and a good sense of humour because as much as we want it to, everything doesn’t always go to plan. In fact, these impromptu situations often make the best stories that you can have a laugh with your friends about later.

Age requirements

Minimum Age: 16 years

There is no shared accommodation on this Algeria tour and in this instance we would welcome everyone above the age of 16 years. Should you wish to bring younger children, please give us a call.

There is no upper age limit for this trip but you should consider the above fitness requirements prior to booking. If you are 65 years or over you will be asked to complete our Health Check Form and have your medical practitioner sign it to confirm you are good health and able to participate safely on this trip.

Travel insurance

Please note that comprehensive travel insurance is a condition of travel with Inverted Atlas. Insurance must include provision for medical situations, emergency medical repatriation to your home country and personal liability at a minimum. Proof of valid travel insurance will be requested by your trip leader on arrival at the pre-departure meeting. Please have this paperwork available for them. If you are unable to provide proof of comprehensive travel insurance, you may not be allowed to join the trip and no refund will be payable.

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