Pamir Highway Tajikistan


Our Unique style trip

Our classic trip! Enjoy unique places to stay from Ger Camps in Mongolia to Siberian Chalets, as well as homestays, permanent tents, former palaces, riads, working cattle stations and more! Activities included on these trips range from visiting deserted, far flung and little-known wonders to the occasional bucket list must-sees. Meals which are included are always local and transport provides a good mix of coaches and local trains, buses, boats and pretty much anything else that moves.

Unique style trips are designed as slow travel, they provide more time in the destination with a mix of included sightseeing and free time to enable you to really get to know the place in which you’re traveling. Optional activities are available for purchase prior to departure in some cities where free time is scheduled.


  • Minimum 3-star unique accommodation in twin share (unless otherwise specified). Single room supplement available for an additional fee or can elect to share with a traveler of the same sex
  • Mix of local transport where appropriate and coach travel
  • Meals included as per itinerary usually most breakfasts (B) some lunches (L) and dinners (D)
  • Good mix of free time and included sightseeing and activities
  • Optional activities available for purchase during free time
  • Minimal time in arrival/departure location to maximise time in destinations along the way. Additional nights before and after the trip available for purchase, along with short optional pre/post trips in some locations.

Legends of the Silk Road

On this 5 Stans tour in the veiled heart of Central Asia, a tapestry of secrets unravels across a timeless expanse. Each of the 5 stans of Central Asia is different to the last. Uzbekistan, a land of history, blue domes and conquering heroes. Kyrgyzstan, a land of untouched wilderness and natural beauty. Kazakhstan, the mother of ‘dark tourism’. Tajikistan, home to the open road of the Pamir Highway and Turkmenistan, a place closed off and at times utterly bizarre.

Each Stan, whispers tales of ancient Silk Road caravans that carried desires and dreams through hidden valleys and towering peaks. A mystical dance of cultures unfolds, where nomadic echoes intermingle with forgotten legends, and the winds themselves whisper cryptic verses of distant conquerors and celestial patterns etched in the stars.

In this magical region know where you are from the moment you wake up by staying in locally owned and operated hotels, yurt camps and even take an overnight train in Kazakhstan to give you a real chance to mingle with the locals on this 5 stans tour.

Legionnaires of Roman Africa

Nestled in North Africa, Algeria is a land steeped in mystery and ancient lore. From the towering sand dunes of the Sahara Desert to the verdant valleys of the Atlas Mountains, its landscapes are as diverse as they are captivating. The echoes of a rich and tumultuous history linger in its cities and countryside, inviting the adventurous to explore the secrets and stories woven into the fabric of this fascinating country. Yet, beneath the surface, a powerful and enigmatic force pulsates, waiting to be discovered by those daring enough to unravel its mysteries.

Adventure through the sands to the furthest reaches of the Roman Empire, wander the deserted ancient cities of Timgad, Djemila and Tipaza without so much as another soul to disturb your exploration of these amazing places.

Travel deep into Algeria’s desert to the mirage like oasis of Timimoun and experience a magical sunset over the Sahara. Walk the streets of the remote settlement of Ghardaia and admire it’s unique M’zab architecture, as well as explore Algeria’s Numidian history at the Royal Mausoleum of the Kings in Medracen.

Characterful local hotels and guesthouses abound on this Algeria tour and we have handpicked accommodation that reflects the atmosphere and vibe of each destination to enable you to experience each place from the moment you wake up.

Tale of a Tear Shaped Island

Explore the ancient cities of Anurdhapura and Polonnaruwa and survey vast jungles from the top of the Sigiriya rock fortress on this quest to the far reaches of mythical Shangri-La in Sri Lanka. Journey to the far north of the island to Jaffna to witness the sinking church and discover the remote islands of Delft and Nagadeepa. Meet a local Sri Lankan martial arts master, taste Sri Lankan cuisine in a private spice garden and catch the train from Kandy to Nuwara Eliya, a track which is truly a marvel of engineering.

Stay in traditionally-inspired and heritage-listed hotels, join a local village family for dinner and try seafood on the beach on this tour of Sri Lanka.

Monks, Dzong, Wild

What makes Bhutan special is intangible and undefinable, yet will hit you fully on your regional journey across this incredibly diverse, scenic and joyful country.

Temples? It has many, each with architectural detail and spiritual history more intricate than the last. We’ll visit many of them, including of course the iconic Tigers Nest monastery in its lofty eyrie in the mountains outside of Paro. The journey to it is a hike like no other, and an essential pilgrimage for travellers to Bhutan.

Scenery? In droves. Or perhaps, flocks, as this trip affords a once-in-a-lifetime chance to encounter the rare and endangered Black-Necked Crane during its winter migration. You’ll be heralded by quirky wildlife and awe-inspiring vistas; your journey across the country will be wreathed by the snow-capped Himalayas as you travel through mountain passes, lush fields, alpine forests and sweeping valleys. And you won’t be limited to a tour bus either – you’ll hike your way through some of the best landscapes the country has to offer.

Culture? And then some! The last Himalayan kingdom offers a rich tapestry of vibrant art, folklore, steeped traditions and food, glorious food. You’ll marvel at the sheer breadth of Bhutanese culture as you undertake a cooking class; and spend a day at Genekha Festival and get caught up in the spirit of celebration.

What will strike you most, however, is the true essence of Bhutanese magic – the people. This trip has been designed to immerse you in local custom and maximise the time you’ll spend with these wonderfully welcoming people, who occupy a country where Eastern tradition and Buddhist heritage meet Western innovation, and where the country’s Gross National Happiness Index is its most important measurement of success. Stay in homestays, guesthouses and local hotels in historic cities and tiny villages. Break bread with Bhutan, a country that can teach us so much about the richness of shared experience.

Heart of the Silk Road

Departure date: *** new departure coming soon ***

Trace the footsteps of legends, heroes and ancient traders on this legendary journey through the heart of the Silk Road. Venture into the unknown in the far west autonomous republic of Karalkalpakstan, a place where few travellers have set foot, to camp on the shores of the Aral Sea, investigate the ship graveyard of Moynaq and view the enigmatic ‘Tower of Silence’ outside Chilpik – integral to the mysterious religion of Zoroastrianism. Visit the fertile Fergana region to learn about silk production, still a trade staple in this part of the world. Explore the legendary cities of Bukhara, Samarkand and Khiva and visit the birthplace of the national hero Tamerlane in Shakhrisabz. Journey into the perilous red sands of the Kyzylkum, to explore desert fortresses, visit ancient caravanserais and taste delicious food cooked on a Saksaul tree and eaten around a campfire.

As part of the adventure, stay in yurt camps both on the edge of the Aral Sea and among a population of ethnic Kazakh nomads in the Kyzylkum desert, as well as converted former mansions, and historic and unique hotels throughout.

The Annapurna Villages

Departure date: *** new departure coming soon ***

In the shadow of ancient peaks, where whispers mingle with the mist, lies a realm where mortal footsteps converge with ethereal pathways. Traverse the Annapurna region, where time dances on the precipice of enigma. Each step emboldens the seeker, as celestial symphonies guide the way. Amidst terraced whispers and majestic silence, the ephemeral veil lifts, revealing vistas that kindle the soul’s wanderlust. Within the rhythm of footfall, whispers of forgotten tales resound, etching mysteries upon the traveler’s heart. As daylight intertwines with shadow, the journey becomes a delicate balance between discovery and the allure of the unknown. Unveil the enigmatic beauty of the Annapurna, for within its emerald depths, destiny’s tapestry unfurls, and the seeker finds solace in the enigma of day trekking in Nepal.

Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, the villages of Gauchok, Astam, and Dhampus beckon with their timeless charm. Embark on a journey where time slows down, and the essence of Nepal’s rural life unfolds. As you traverse narrow paths lined with vibrant prayer flags, you’ll encounter warm smiles and welcoming hearts of the locals. Gauchok, with its quaint stone houses, offers a glimpse into traditional Nepali culture. After departing Gauchok we ascend to Dhampus by vehicle and then walk to our isolated eco lodge. Feel the serenity of this idyllic location…..and finally we follow the ridgeline down to Astam, where panoramic vistas of snow-capped peaks reward the intrepid explorer. And finally, Dhampus, a picturesque hamlet enveloped in terraced fields, invites tranquility and a deep connection with nature. These villages, with their authentic simplicity and stunning landscapes, paint a vivid portrait of Nepal’s rustic allure, leaving an indelible imprint on the soul of every visitor.

Into the Wild. Kyrgyzstan

In one of the least visited regions on Earth, take a walk in the wild in Kyrgyzstan, land of horse games and eagle hunters. Explore the ancient cities of the Karakhanids, with visits to the sites of Uzgen and Balasagun and gaze in wonder at the ramparts of the mysterious fortress of Koshoy Kurgan. Hike among some of the most impressive works of nature on the planet with stays in the majestic Jeti Oguz gorge and hikes around the southern lakes of Kol-Suu and Son-Kul. Take a journey along the silk road with a stay near the caravanserai lodge at Tash-Rabat and view a twinkling night sky full of millions of stars from the step of your yurt. Although Kyrgyzstan is already off the beaten track, go one step further with visits to the scenic village of Jyrgalan and the remote beautiful lake of Sary-Chelek.

Wake up among the stunning natural beauty of Kyrgyzstan with stays in nomadic yurts and enjoy the warm hospitality of the local people with stays in small guesthouses and homestays in small towns and villages.

Shamans & Spacemen

*** New departure coming soon ***

Step back into the past of the ancient Silk Road and blast off into the future of space travel on this in-depth adventure of magnificent Kazakhstan, a land of colourful characters, glittering tiled mausoleums and palaces, vast landscapes, scientific endeavours and diverse cities.

Celebrate a country whose legacy spans the days of ancient khans, nomadic pilgrimages and the cold war, and where a fierce spirit of independence and unique national identity is emerging 30 years after declaring independence. Explore remote national parks with limestone formations that rival Monument Valley and unique endemic bird life and sail the Caspian Sea. Spend a day with fishermen in remote villages in the Aral Sea, and spend a night on a honey farm with beekeepers in a fairy-tale forest, where you will be lulled to sleep with honey-steeped tea and bedtime stories.

Explore iconic Dark Tourism sites including an abandoned bomber plane hangar, visit the National Nuclear Research Facility and discover the country’s contribution to the Russian space program with a day at the spaceport of Baikonur.

This is Kazakhstan – a country of contrasts and anachronisms, of storied history, modern innovations and traditional lifestyles that simply defies being categorised. Travel where few have stepped before you and conquer one of Earth’s lost frontiers.

Ultimate Kazakhstan tour
Tour to Jordan

Lost Cities & Bedouin Tents

Departure date: *** New Departure coming soon ***

Discover a land brimming with archaeological treasures and lost cities on this epic adventure through the sandy, barren and beautiful landscapes of Jordan. Marvel at the vastness of the site of Jerash in the country’s north and safari into the east to explore Jordan’s remote desert castles. Spend a day tending a flock of sheep with a local shepherd and another floating in the Dead Sea, the lowest place on Earth. Go on Safari for Oryzx at Azraq, see the intriguing Madaba Map and view the expanse of Jordan from the top of Mt Nebo.

We feel no trip to Jordan would be complete without a trip to the ‘lost city of Petra’ and don’t worry we give you plenty of free time to explore the site on your own. So, don your Indiana Jones hat, jump on a horse and ride down through the Siq and explore for yourself – follow us! We know the way!

Accommodation on this trip is a real stand-out! Stay at some of Jordan’s best eco-lodges, a resort on the Dead Sea, cabins in Ajloun and traditional boutique family run establishments throughout.